Beautiful artwork on playground Herderplein Utrecht


White crushed stone finishes artwork by Jan Boon on renewed Herderplein in Utrecht!

The renovated Herderplein in Utrecht with its reconstructed asphalt artwork by Jan Boon is set to open in 2022. Bouwstoffen Unie supplied the white crushed stone.


The square with the artwork dates back to 1955. Jan Boon, who lived in Utrecht at the time, designed a black-and-white drawing for the square surface at that time. Someone with a keen eye for detail can discover, among other things, a peacock and a lizard. The square had fallen into considerable disrepair after almost 70 years. The Municipality of Utrecht gave it new life by completely reconstructing it. This involved the necessary research work with art and heritage experts.


A completely new layer of asphalt was applied, then more than 900 points were placed on the square using GPS equipment. A line was then drawn between these points, revealing the outside line of the drawings. Next, the drawing was "colored in." To do this, the lines must first be taped off. Next, white epoxy was applied within the masking tape and our white crushed stone was sprinkled over this. Once the epoxy was dry, the loose crushed stone was blown away. This created a nice separation between the black of the asphalt and the white of the crushed stone.

This is one of the examples of what is possible with our color minerals. Check out the product page for more information.

Posted by:
Edith Stegeman
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