Cookie policy
In order to provide you with the best possible service, this website uses cookies. Below we explain how and why this is done.

What are cookies?

When you visit this website, cookies are placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone to track statistical and research data. Cookies are small, simple text files. On your next visit, the cookies are used to recognize you. Cookies ensure, for example, that you do not receive or have to enter the same information every time you visit our website. Your settings and preferences are remembered, making your next visit to the site easier. In addition, thanks to cookies, the information and offers on the site can be tailored to your preferences.

What do we use cookies for?

A session cookie allows us to see which parts of the website you have viewed with this visit. This enables us to adapt our website and services as much as possible to the surfing behavior of our visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted as soon as you close your web browser.

We place tracking cookies only if you give us permission to do so. By clicking the "Accept cookies" button or by continuing to click on our website, you consent to their placement. A so-called tracking profile is created, which is not linked to name, address, e-mail address and the like, as known to us. The profile makes it possible to adjust the website to your preferences. Permanent cookies can be deleted via the browser.

Decline cookies

Don't want to allow cookies? You can delete cookies manually via the Internet browser or have them deleted automatically at the end of an Internet session. You can set your Internet browser to notify you when a cookie is set, or you can set it to block cookies. In some cases, this may prevent you from using the website.

See also our Privacy Policy.

This statement was last revised on 01-01-2023