
Powdered coal fly ash

Pulverized coal fly ash is widely used in concrete and cement. It is the very fine ash particles released during the combustion of pulverized coal and biomass in a coal-fired power plant.

To generate electricity, coal is mixed and ground into pulverized coal that is burned as completely as possible. The ash particles fly with the flue gases into the flue gas duct. There, the ash slowly cools to glassy globules in a fine powder form, grayish in color. This is called pulverized coal fly ash.

Due to its specific chemical composition, pulverized coal fly ash has pozzolanic properties. As a result, it can be assigned a binder function.


  • Powdered coal fly ash saves cement, thus costs, and increases sustainability
  • To be used in attest concrete (binder function)
  • Fineness makes the pores in concrete smaller, making it more resistant to penetration (improving grain structure)
  • Powdered coal fly ash can be used with a K-Factor (binder factor) in concrete
  • The round shape of the fly ash particles improves the workability of concrete (ball bearing effect)
  • Pulverized coal fly ash has pozzolanic properties, contributing to the strength development of concrete
  • De korrelgrootte is < 0,063 mm, dus meest kleiner dan 63 micron
  • Meets European standard EN 450-1 cat. A


Pulverized coal fly ash is used in both concrete and cement production. Concrete with high-quality pulverized coal fly ash has been used for many years. For certain environmental classes it is confirmed through attestations (recognized certificates), that because of its binder function, the cement content can be reduced in concrete with various cements and cement combinations. Pulverized coal fly ash can also be very suitable for use in compound alternative binders or as a filler (semi-finished product) in various products.

main characteristics

  • Powdered coal fly ash saves cement, thus costs, and increases sustainability

  • To be used in attest concrete (binder function)

  • Powdered coal fly ash can be used with a K-Factor (binder factor) in concrete