

Spligri is a mixture of round and crushed Upper Rhine gravel for concrete. Spligri is optimally suited for use in concrete because it is well washed. It adheres well to cement and leads to high concrete strength. The massive grains require relatively little cement to cure concrete. The binding (adhesion) to cement and admixtures is naturally optimal.

River gravel mined in southern Germany is called Upper Rhine Gravel.

Gravel is a sedimentary rock. It was deposited in the Rhine River via glaciers from the Alps. The grains have been rounded by water and ice over time.


Spligri is widely applicable for all concrete.
All quality classes of concrete can be produced with this hard rock.

Spligri is available in the common grades: 2/8 mm, 4/16 mm, 4/22 mm and 4/32 mm


Spligri is mainly used in concrete , which is produced in concrete plants and transported from there to the respective project.
All conceivable concrete products can be produced with gravel, such as stairs, balconies, piles, sewer pipes, pavers, etc.

specific characteristics

  • The combination of round with crushed pellet form provides quick workability and is easily pumpable through a concrete mixer and with a concrete pump

  • Because of its flow behavior, it is favored for self-compacting concrete

  • It is always well washed and dust free


Technical specifications and performance available upon request.